Thanks to the opportunity they provide to fully prepare for your once-in-a-lifetime day.
Rehearsals are particularly useful for ceremonies taking place in non-traditional locations, for example at the beach or in your garden, where positions and orders might need to be modified. However, they are also helpful for those planning a formal church wedding. Even a brief walk-through can make everyone feel more relaxed and comfortable on the day itself.
What To Expect
Traditionally, a wedding rehearsal takes place the night before the wedding, but it can occur any time in the week or so before the big day, provided the key members of your wedding party can all come along. Talk to your officiant about scheduling it, and make sure your ceremony location is available.

An evening rehearsal with your wedding party and close family is also a wonderful opportunity to treat your closest friends and relatives to a nice meal where you can talk through any glitches, relax and have fun with your nearest and dearest. To save money, host a dinner at your home or at the home of someone in the wedding party, have a barbie in the garden, order takeaway or plan a picnic. If you hold a rehearsal the night before the wedding, you’ll want to get a good night’s sleep, so time things so you can get to bed at a reasonable time.
Seize The Day
As well as offering key members of your wedding party the chance to work out where to stand and what to expect, the rehearsal is a great opportunity to improve signage for your guests and sort out any challenges in the ways they and members of the wedding party will navigate your venue. Wedding party pegs and wedding washi tape are great ways to mark out impromptu and temporary pathways, hang signs or labels and indicate positions.
The wedding rehearsal is also a good time to transport extra wholesale wedding accessories, signs and decorations to the ceremony location or reception venue. If you plan to take items with you, make sure the venue is happy to store them for you.
Lead By Example
If your rehearsal takes place in the evening, beware of bored and tipsy attendants. Bride and groom need to show the way, encouraging people to focus on the walk-through. After all, no-one wants to spend longer on this than necessary and it is important that everyone knows what to do at the actual event. Take time at the dinner to thanks those who attended; quirky chocolate wedding tape measures make nice gifts for your wedding party.
Wedding rehearsals are super-helpful; they can really help to reduce the stress and chaos on the day. With Wholesale Wedding Supplies, your wedding rehearsal will be inexpensive and fun.
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