Cupcakes are the newest craze to hit the bridal shower scene. These small decadent pieces of cake have taken the place of a giant multi-layered cake because they are individually wrapped, moister, and just a lot of fun to eat.
If you are considering having cupcakes at your bridal shower, don't serve them in the dull, unattractive wrappers. Turn them into fun, decorative pieces that are eye-catch, yet oh so delicious to eat.
The following are some suggestions for how you can transform those yummy cupcakes into fun decorative pieces with just the use of some wedding wholesale supplies that can be found at the Wholesale Wedding Superstore.

Add a Lacy Touch to the Cupcake Wrapper
Most cupcakes come wrapped in paper. While these colourful paper wrappings may be nice, they are far from decorative. Consider taking the time to serve these cupcakes in something nice and elegant.
The best way to add an elegant touch to your cupcakes is to take a lace doily and wrap it around the bottom of the cupcake. The lace doily will add a decorative touch, but not require you to have to spend hours decorating the cupcakes.
If you are considering adding the lace doily to the cupcake, you will need to do just a little prep work. A single doily is too big for a cupcake. You will need to cut the doily in half and then wrap the half doily around the bottom of the cupcake.
Edible Cupcake Toppers
The fastest, and easiest, way to decorate your cupcakes for a bridal shower is by placing a quick cupcake topper on top. Many brides-to-be will go with the traditional plastic cupcake topper that can be quickly placed on each cupcake, but why not try something a little different.
Consider decorating your cupcakes with something that is edible. There are hundreds of different decorative options you have for your cupcakes.
Some of the most popular options include:
- Placing edible beads or decorative pieces on the cupcakes
- Decorating with shaped pieces of fruit
- Making heart shaped pieces of candy out of fruit leathers
Create a Beautiful Display for the Cupcakes
For the bride-to-be who doesn't have a lot of time on her hands, there is still a way to make the cupcakes she provides at her bridal shower beautiful. Creating a beautiful display for the cupcakes can turn the dull, drab traditional cupcakes into beautiful decorative pieces.
Start off with a regular 3-tier cake pop holder and place all the cupcakes on it. After you have arranged the cupcakes, it is time to decorate the cake stand. You could use colourful ribbon, fake flowers, and other decorations to turn the cupcake display into an eye-catching affair.
Whether you are decorating just the cupcake or in charge of the whole bridal shower, Wholesale Wedding Superstore has everything you need to make a bridal shower into a memorable, fun event.
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