And secular wedding ceremonies can be just as romantic, special and spiritual as ceremonies that place a faith at the heart of proceedings.
Making a lifelong commitment to another person without the explicit mention of faith and a deity has ceased to be the novelty it once was but for many, particularly if they are from a faith background, it can be difficult to imagine a secular ceremony without the bells and whistles of a traditional wedding in a place of worship.
Working Out What You Want
Do you want an entirely secular wedding ceremony, with nonreligious vows, words and readings or are you more comfortable with a nondenominational ceremony that includes some religious references? Discuss this together first, and then discuss it with your chosen officiant. In some countries, there are strict restrictions on the words and even music that can be used in a nonreligious wedding ceremony, so be sure you know what the restrictions are before setting your heart on a particular reading, wording or song, especially if you plan on marrying abroad.

For some couples, particularly gay couples, a religious ceremony is seldom an option, so you may well need to create a ceremony from scratch to truly reflect your beliefs and what it means to you to come together as a couple. There are plenty of great options out there and professional, well-trained celebrants can be good sources of useful information, inspiration and support.
Secular ceremonies can be as flexible and unique as you like, but if you feel a little lost in a sea of choice, it’s worth bearing in mind that most wedding ceremonies follow a similar structure, with your officiant offering a welcome and a definition of marriage, followed by your declaration of intent, readings and finally the exchange of vows. Beyond this basic structure, you are free to choose elements and rituals that best reflect you as a couple. For example, you may wish to have those present make a declaration of support, incorporate a ritual such as hand fasting or include music. A good officiant can provide advice, guidance and ideas that put you in control of your ceremony.
Making Your Day Special
A bare bones civic ceremony can be extremely brief. The legal aspect of a wedding can be over in just a few minutes, so if you want to make more of your ceremony and build your wedding day around it, it’s a good opportunity to make the event as unique as you are as a couple. Not having the restrictions of an elaborate religious service and venue can be liberating, giving you carte blanche when choosing a venue, not to mention creating DIY wedding decorations or buying wedding decorations online.
Wholesale wedding supplies are a great and affordable way to carry your theme through your ceremony, to your reception and beyond, and can be a simple way to make your ceremony feel specially tailored to you. From Bali flags to backdrops, at Wholesale Wedding Superstore, we stock all you need to make your secular ceremony special. Clever decorating techniques, such as candles and LED lights, can help to create an intimate atmosphere and make your ceremony memorable and unique, wherever and however it takes place.
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